Rick’s Record Store
Records for everyone
About the Store
We take immense pride in housing Rick's Record Store, home to an ever-expanding array of records. Rick has devoted much of his life to gathering and curating this collection, and now he's eager to share it with the world.
Whether you're a seasoned record collector or simply someone who adores music, this is the perfect destination for you. While perusing through our selection, feel free to unwind and enjoy some tunes in our cozy lounge area. Everyone is welcome, and we look forward to welcoming you!
Rick's Record Store operates within the open hours of 1020 Collective (Wednesday - Friday 12-6). Should you have any inquiries, please don't hesitate to reach out to Rick at rick@1020collective.com.
Featured Records
Get in touch.
If you’d like to buy some records, order something special, donate some records, or schedule a time to come in outside our open hours please fee free to reach out!