Botanical Diptych (Jungle Series) by Ana Balcázar Bartra

from $4.00

Original is Acrylic on Canvas

Prints are available in various sizes, printed locally. Prints are on heavy weight fine art rag paper. They are also available framed, locally sourced.

The prints are available as one image or as two prints, like the piece was painted in two panels. Choices are available in the variant selections.

4x6 postcard, 8x10, 11x14, 16x20

A postcard book with the complete Botanicals exhibition is also available.

Ana’s jungle series was inspired by time spent in the jungles of Peru.

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Original is Acrylic on Canvas

Prints are available in various sizes, printed locally. Prints are on heavy weight fine art rag paper. They are also available framed, locally sourced.

The prints are available as one image or as two prints, like the piece was painted in two panels. Choices are available in the variant selections.

4x6 postcard, 8x10, 11x14, 16x20

A postcard book with the complete Botanicals exhibition is also available.

Ana’s jungle series was inspired by time spent in the jungles of Peru.

Original is Acrylic on Canvas

Prints are available in various sizes, printed locally. Prints are on heavy weight fine art rag paper. They are also available framed, locally sourced.

The prints are available as one image or as two prints, like the piece was painted in two panels. Choices are available in the variant selections.

4x6 postcard, 8x10, 11x14, 16x20

A postcard book with the complete Botanicals exhibition is also available.

Ana’s jungle series was inspired by time spent in the jungles of Peru.

Trinidad Scorpion (Chili Series) by Ana Balcazar Bartra
from $4.00
Sugar Rush Peach Blue Sky (Chili Series) by Ana Balcazar Bartra
from $4.00
Tabasco yellow and orange (Chili Series) by Ana Balcazar Bartra
from $4.00
San Antonio de Cumbaza (Jungle Series) by Ana Balcazar Bartra
from $4.00
Carolina Reaper’s Group (Chili Series) by Ana Balcázar Bartra
from $4.00